Employee Handbook

There is no better marker of success than the perfect balance between great management and great people.

Step 1.

Protecting your people and your business.

Creating an employee handbook: We work closely with your business to establish HR management strategies and define your needs for an employee handbook. Based on your management goals, AdvantEdge Consultants can help craft new policies or validate the policies you already have in place, both for the protection of the business, and its people. The handbook is your foundation for communicating with employees on the issues and challenges that may arise as your business moves forward.

Training your management or employee community on the employee handbook: Our next step is to support your business by helping educate your employees on the written policies.This can include simple discussions on your workplace policies, more involved group employee handbook training, or one-on-one training presentations.

Step 2. Recruit & retain quality employees >

10 important EMPLOYEE handbook topics:

  1. Policies relating to employment eligibility, employee records, probationary periods, terminations, resignations, and other policies important to the company;
  2. Work hours, attendance, reporting absences, flex-time, telecommuting, etc;
  3. Compensation which can include overtime, salary increases, bonuses, etc.;
  4. An anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policy; grievances;
  5. Workplace health and safety issues;
  6. Standards of conduct such as dress codes, uniform requirements, ethical standards of people working in the field;
  7. Privacy issues related to technology, social media, and social networking;
  8. A listing of employee benefits and leave policies;
  9. Media relations; Who in your organization handles the press?
  10. Non-disclosure agreements and conflict of interest statements.

Do you need to review your policies?
Send us an email.